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Friday, July 25, 2014


Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions (written by Lisa (Broman) Shepard... so don't mock Ben for the content just because it looks like he wrote them):

Q.  Can I still come to the Saturday evening event if I haven't registered by midnight tonight (July 25)?
A. Yes!  But do us a solid and get your tickets ASAP.  We want to make sure there is enough food, seats, and embarrassing photos of you.  Just kidding about the embarrassing photos part... kind of.

Go here to get your tickets for Saturday's event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/centennial-high-school-class-of-94-reunion-tickets-11681137597

Q.  What should I bring to the picnic on Saturday?
A. Besides plenty of sunscreen, we suggest bringing food, beverages, and maybe even swimsuits and towels for the kids since there is a splash pad.

Q.  Can I bring alcohol to the picnic?
A. Yes... we have an alcohol permit for the picnic in case you would like to drink adult beverages at the picnic... responsibly, of course!

Q.  Do I have to bring food to the picnic?
A.  Nope, if you want to eat ahead of time, go for it!  Some parents would rather eat cockroaches than try to wrangle food into their kiddos mouths while there were so many things to play with and do.  So we will be eating ahead of time and then we'll be the ones getting all the talking in while you shovel food in your face! :)

Q.  What in the world are you doing with the pictures that are getting sent to Lisa (Broman) Shepard (Lisa@HealthCoachShep.com).
A. Nothing sinister, I promise.  Just a little reflection on where we came from and where we are today.  Please send a couple of pics that represent who you are today.  No need to get super deep... :)

Q.  Should I send pics even if I'm half way around the world and can't make it to Saturday's event?
A.  Yes... please send me pics even if you aren't going to be there on Saturday evening.  I will try to make sure everyone gets to see the resulting project even if you aren't there on Saturday. With that said, seeing it live will be the BOMB so come join us Saturday night.

Q. Am I going to be the only person at the Saturday event?
A.  Nope!  We have lots of people coming.  Some with spouses.  Some without.  And yes... there are still tickets left to buy!
FYI: This will NOT be a remake of my first day of high school where I walked around the school at lunch pretending I had friends to eat with when really I didn't.  I think we're all past that now, right?   Whether you liked high school or not, I venture to guess we've all grown up a bit since then and this is NOT a high school redo! :)  Come alone.  Come with a significant other.  Come with a pet parrot or a stuffed dummy.  Nobody cares... let's just have fun!

Q. What's in store for Saturday night?
A. Although there will be plenty of tables to be able to sit and eat, you obviously won't be sitting at your table the entire evening.  This is NOT a stuffy, sit down dinner.

We have reserved both the outside and inside of Stonehouse, so walk around and enjoy!

Nope... no dress code.  We suggest leaving the bathing suits and prom gowns at home, but anything in between works!

Q. Give it to me straight... is there a bar available?
A. YES... there is a no-host bar available for those who want to say cheers with an adult beverage.  We trust that the bartender will ensure you drink more responsibly than you did 15-20 years ago! :)

Q. Should I make sure EVERYONE I know from high school has heard about the reunion?
A. YES!  Please do!  We have tried to leave enough time for the grapevine to do its job, but we'd HATE for someone to not be in the know about the festivities!

If you have any other questions, please send them our way (or comment here).  Can't wait to see you next weekend!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Please purchase your tickets by Friday July 25th. We need a head count 1 week prior to the Saturday night event.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Send me your picture(s) for the Reunion

I'm planning on creating something fun for the reunion... if you have a picture of you (and your family, if you want) that depicts/describes you, please send it to me. Obviously, the sooner the better (then private message me or comment here so I know to look for it)!

Even if you can't make it to the reunion, please feel free to participate anyway!!

My email: Lisa@HealthCoachShep.com